Underground pyramids of Crimea. Crimean pyramids

The Crimean pyramids were accidentally discovered by Candidate of Sciences Vitaly Gokh in April 2001. This was perhaps the most high-profile archaeological discovery of the 21st century. The age of these gigantic creations of human hands far exceeds the age of the Egyptian pyramids. It is possible that the development of the civilization that built them is higher than ours.

The first of the seven pyramids was discovered by Vitaly Gokh’s group on the outskirts of Sevastopol. We were looking for thermal waters. Suddenly the device detected a microwave field within a radius of 100 meters. Goh realized that there was an unusual object underground. They began to manually dig a hole at a depth of 9.5 meters and came across one of the faces of the pyramid. As a result of titanic work, search engines found out that the object has the geometric shape of a pyramid. Its height is 45 meters, and the length of the base is 72. The ratio of the side of the base to the height is 1.6. This is the standard for all pyramids discovered to date.

In total, Goh's group discovered seven pyramids using the device. They are located on the same line - from Cape Sarych to the northwestern part of the coast of Kamyshovaya Bay.

On their own, the group members analyzed the material from the Crimean and Egyptian pyramids, comparing it with a chip from one of the pyramids in Giza. And they were surprised to discover that practically the same material was used in the construction of the pyramids in both Egypt and Crimea!
In terms of age, the Crimean pyramids should exceed the Egyptian ones - they rest at a depth of 5 to 10 m under a layer of sedimentary rocks. This could only have happened as a result of a flood, and this happened in this area from 12 to 3 thousand years BC.

Near the Pyramids, scientists have discovered structures that resemble reflective stone mirrors, which, apparently, like the Tibetan ones, can influence Space-Time. It is no coincidence that scientists noted a change in the course of Time, and one of the researchers, at around 36 meters, dropped down a powerful flashlight that was turned on - and not a ray of light, not a sound.

The blocks from which the pyramids are made are fitted to each other with the same precision as the Egyptian ones, and are held together with egg yolks and whites mixed with clay and copper sulfate putty.

When exploring the pyramid, an oval-shaped object was found at the 25-meter mark. For two days they tried to get it out and as a result they broke it. Immediately, the people working to remove the object felt ill and had difficulty getting out. The extracted object turned out to be hollow and apparently contained a large amount of carbon dioxide under pressure. Later they found out that similar things were placed in the walls at regular intervals.
According to Goh, it is interesting that the group members were cured of long-standing diseases during their work on the pyramid. Even the employee who suffered from a severe form of heart disease felt much better and refused further use of medications.

When they attempted to break through the wall to get inside the pyramid, strange things began to happen. Unexpectedly, the device detected an increase in radiation. Films began to fade, compasses failed, and the batteries in the flashlights ran out in minutes. Those working underground began to vomit, have an upset stomach and have a severe headache. Goh's group was forced to stop work.
Then strange things of a different kind began to happen. As soon as scientists, esotericists and psychics became interested in the pyramids, suddenly all work on their study was curtailed. Without any explanation, local authorities demanded that the researchers leave the Crimean peninsula. Workers who arrived on orders from the authorities filled the broken shafts with concrete. The press began intensified defamation of Vitaly Gokh and his group. They tried in every possible way to debunk and discredit the discovery of the pyramids. The area where the work was carried out was surrounded by barbed wire.

But it was not possible to completely close the Crimean Peninsula from enthusiastic researchers. They continued archaeological excavations. And Crimea recently produced a new sensation. Not far from the underground pyramids, two giant skeletons were found that had lain in the ground for thousands of years. Their height is about 3 meters. Do these skeletons belong to the race of the creators of the Crimean pyramids? Nobody knows the answer to this question.

The Crimean pyramids were accidentally discovered by Candidate of Sciences Vitaly Gokh in April 2001. This was perhaps the most high-profile archaeological discovery of the 21st century. The age of these gigantic creations of human hands far exceeds the age of the Egyptian pyramids. It is possible that the development of the civilization that built them is higher than ours.

The first of the seven pyramids was discovered by Vitaly Gokh’s group on the outskirts of Sevastopol. We were looking for thermal waters. Suddenly the device detected a microwave field within a radius of 100 meters. Goh realized that there was an unusual object underground. They began to manually dig a hole at a depth of 9.5 meters and came across one of the faces of the pyramid. Having hollowed out the wall, the searchers went 38m underground, pulling out about 40 tons of soil from the well with a ten-liter bucket, rendering three crowbars, two sledgehammers and five chisels unusable. As a result of titanic work, search engines found out that the object has the geometric shape of a pyramid. Its height is 45 meters, and the length of the base is 72. The ratio of the side of the base to the height is 1.6. This is the standard for all pyramids discovered to date. In total, Goh's group discovered seven pyramids using the device. They are located on the same line - from Cape Sarych to the northwestern part of the coast of Kamyshovaya Bay. To break through a layer of earth and rock fragments, researchers needed special equipment and equipment worth a considerable amount. For some reason, the official scientific authorities of Ukraine were not interested in the find. When contacting the Crimean branch of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, there was a refusal, in the absence of at least some comment about the discovery of the pyramids. When asked about financing the work, the branch was silent. On their own, the group members analyzed the material from the Crimean and Egyptian pyramids, comparing it with a chip from one of the pyramids in Giza. And they were surprised to discover that practically the same material was used in the construction of the pyramids in both Egypt and Crimea! In terms of age, the Crimean pyramids should exceed the Egyptian ones - they rest at a depth of 5 to 10 m under a layer of sedimentary rocks. This could only have happened as a result of a flood, and this happened in this area from 12 to 3 thousand years BC. The blocks from which the pyramids are made are fitted to each other with the same precision as the Egyptian ones, and are held together with egg yolks and whites mixed with clay and copper sulfate putty. While exploring the pyramid, an oval-shaped object was found at the 25-meter mark. For two days they tried to get it out and as a result they broke it. Immediately, the people working to remove the object felt ill and had difficulty getting out. Item to be retrieved turned out to be hollow and apparently contained a large amount of carbon dioxide under pressure. Later they found out that similar things were placed in the walls at regular intervals. According to Goh, it is interesting that the group members were cured of long-standing diseases during their work on the pyramid. Even the employee who suffered from a severe form of heart disease felt much better and refused further use of medications. When they attempted to break through the wall to get inside the pyramid, strange things began to happen. Unexpectedly, the device detected an increase in radiation. Films began to fade, compasses failed, and the batteries in the flashlights ran out in minutes. Those working underground began to vomit, have an upset stomach and have a severe headache. Goh's group was forced to stop work. Then strange things of a different kind began to happen. As soon as scientists, esotericists and psychics became interested in the pyramids, suddenly all work on their study was curtailed. Without any explanation, local authorities demanded that the researchers leave the Crimean peninsula. Arrived by At the direction of the authorities, workers filled the broken shafts with concrete. The press began intensified defamation of Vitaly Gokh and his group. They tried in every possible way to debunk and discredit the discovery of the pyramids. The area where the work was carried out was surrounded by barbed wire. The same thing happened at one time with the discovery of the pyramids in China. They were discovered in Shaanxi province by travelers from Europe. The area was immediately closed to foreigners, and Chinese authorities announced that what had been found was not pyramids, but agricultural buildings from the Han Dynasty.
Apparently, someone persistently and very convincingly asked the Ukrainian authorities to close the area from researchers. And this “someone” seems to know a lot about the true purpose and capabilities of the pyramids. And how can we not remember again about the global conspiracy? But it was not possible to completely close the Crimean Peninsula from enthusiastic researchers. They continued archaeological excavations. And Crimea recently handed over new sensation. Not far from the underground pyramids, two giant skeletons were found that had lain in the ground for thousands of years. Their height is about 3 meters. Do these skeletons belong to the race of the creators of the Crimean pyramids? Nobody knows the answer to this question.

The phenomenon of pyramids has remained in the center of attention of the world scientific community for many decades. The reasons for the construction of Egyptian tombs on the Giza plateau, cone-shaped buildings in Mexico, Tibet, Bermuda, the origin of the statues on Easter Island and the Stonehenge stones in Great Britain. All these finds make us think about the existence of previous civilizations on Earth and the Supreme Intelligence that rules the world. It is noteworthy that the construction time of Chinese buildings is 15-20 thousand years longer than the age of the Egyptian pyramids.

Discovery of the Crimean underground pyramids

While working on the island, a group of scientists led by Vitaly Anatolyevich Gokh, on the basis of patent No. 13408-A of 1996, while conducting research using geohydrodiagnostics, while obtaining samples of thermal water and minerals, an unexpected discovery was made. In the Sevastopol-Foros section, a chain of seven pyramids was found underground. The line of buildings extends from the north-west to the south-east from Cape Khersones to Cape Sarych. The buildings are located clearly along the coastline. The date of their construction is approximately the same as the Tibetan ones.

The pyramids of the Crimean Peninsula are located on the same line as the stones of Stonehenge in England and the buildings of Tibet. They are located in a geographical area where several dynastic cult burials are noted, used for rituals several thousand years ago.
The edges of the pyramids are oriented to the cardinal points, like other structures of a similar shape in Egypt, China and other countries. In the opposite direction along the map guidelines are the pyramids of Tibet, and on the other side are the cone-shaped tombs of Easter Island.

Secrets of the Crimean Pyramids: Sphinx

After receiving archaeological permission from the authorities, it was established that the height of the pyramids of Sevastopol is 45-52 m. The peaks are level with the surface of limestone blocks and are not visible during visual inspection.

During the analysis of data obtained from an electromagnetic study of the object, it was possible to establish the presence of a round body on underground buildings. Upon detailed study, it became clear that its shape repeats the figure of the sfix, identical to the one installed in Egypt.

Where are the Crimean pyramids on the map?

Various versions of the origin of the Crimean pyramids are discussed in scientific circles. Some even hypothesize that they do not actually exist, and that this is a failed discovery by researchers or fiction. To date, there is no official confirmation of any of the theories. Research was stopped for unknown reasons.

Crimean pyramids: video

A group of scientists, led by V.A. Gokh, while developing a method of geohydrodiagnostics, while studying the geological structure of the Crimean Peninsula, along with establishing the water balance of fresh water, the presence of thermal waters, as well as hydrocarbons and minerals, made a sensational discovery. Quite by accident, scientists stumbled upon narrowly targeted ultrahigh-frequency radiation (microwave), the source of which was mysteriously localized near the surface of the Earth. On the section of the southern coast of Crimea from Sevastopol to Foros, seven pyramids were discovered, the age of which is approximately the same as the pyramids of Tibet. They are located on the same line from northwest to southeast in the Sevastopol zone, from Cape Khersones to Cape Sarych along the coastline. It turned out that Stonehenge is located on the same line. In the opposite direction are the pyramids of Tibet, and then the sunken pyramids of Easter Island. The height of the Sevastopol pyramids, made of lime blocks, is 45-52 meters, and their tops are almost at the level of the ground.

The entrance, dug by archaeologists, looks like an ordinary pit, blackened by coal darkness. When leaving, they cover it with boards and turf - from onlookers and curious people. Meanwhile, in the last month or so, the pyramid began to show strange activity, just as Goh’s group tried to get inside.

After fifteen meters of descent, the legs rest against a ledge about a meter wide. This is the first step of the pyramid. The surface of the floor and sloping wall is surprisingly smooth, especially considering its advanced age.

Ten meters below, at around 25 meters, archaeologists discovered an unusual structure in the wall - something like an oval object protruding outward. They tried to get it out for two days and eventually broke it. And they almost died - the oval turned out to be hollow and included a huge amount of compressed carbon dioxide or something similar. The walls of the object were covered with unusual growths containing quartz, carbon dioxide, charcoal and ash. Scientists also came across copper oxide.

Structural diagram of the pyramid with the Sphinx in the vicinity of Sevastopol according to scientists from Goch’s group (only the upper pyramid is shown)

Later they found out that similar cavities are interspersed into the walls at equal intervals in a strict order, reminiscent of a crystal lattice. The outside of the dome was coated with a mixture of plaster and egg white. The dome was built into gypsum concrete with protein. Dimensions of the dome: height - 40 cm, base diameter - 55 cm. On the edge of the pyramid (the area of ​​the pit) four more identical domes of a smaller size (2.5 times) were discovered. The analysis showed that these domes are quartz oscillators filled with carbon dioxide.

Excavations and studies of the pyramids are underway. Protein serves as a test filter - it resonates and passes only frequencies corresponding to subtle matters.

The experiments carried out and consultations with colleagues eventually gave them reason to claim that cuprous oxide was used as an antiseptic: limestone coated with such a composition becomes invulnerable to its eternal enemy - fungus. By the way, it is worth noting that the world-famous Egyptian pyramids were built from this material.

But the incident forced us to pay attention to the structure of the material, and it turned out that the cyclopean structure was made of... giant transistors. Or rather, structures that strongly resemble semiconductor devices. But in general, it turns out that the entire pyramid is a microcircuit of incredible size and complexity, or, more correctly, a megacircuit! It’s scary to even think about why she might have been needed and what forces she manipulated.

Having laid several test wells, geophysicists stumbled upon a pyramid. Then, driving along the southern coast of Crimea, they in the same way discovered seven more pyramids on the segment from Sevastopol to Cape Sarych (the southernmost point of Crimea), located on a strict straight line and identically oriented in space along the northwestern vector. The upper limit of the age of the structure was determined almost immediately. The fact is that just above the pyramid there was an ancient simple structure, which archaeologists considered the granary of an ancient people who lived at least 5 thousand years ago. It is difficult to imagine when the pyramids were actually built. It’s interesting that Vitaly Gokh himself treats them as if they were alive. Although, if you know some facts, it is difficult to disagree with him.

During the excavations, Vitaly Gokh drew attention to the high spirits and joy that seized people while descending the dug pit to the pyramid. Inside the figure this feeling intensified. People who fell into the spherical cavity said that they literally “bathed” in streams of energy.

An interesting detail: there is an employee in the group who suffers from severe heart disease and cannot live without a handful of tablets a day. But all he had to do was go down once to feel better. And after two weeks of regular work inside, he completely abandoned medications. - It is a fact. Each of the guys had old sores. So, everyone had an improvement or a complete cure, says Goh.

Why, the next day after the descent, one of us was surprised to discover that the wart that had tormented his heel since childhood had disappeared without a trace. But as soon as the scientists started hammering at the wall to get directly inside, strange things began to happen.

First of all, the radiation intensified so much that the films in the cameras began to light up, even the simplest instruments like a compass broke down upstairs, and inside the new flashlight batteries were discharged literally in minutes, says the scientist, but most importantly, people. I started vomiting, unexplained, I beg your pardon, diarrhea. I generally had headaches regularly. People walked as if in a dream: they stumbled out of the blue, everything fell out of their hands. We were forced to stop work. After two weeks, everything returned to normal - the pyramid began to heal again. Scientists believe that some kind of protection worked.

The location of the pyramids on the globe - Of course, it is not alive, but if it is some kind of installation, then it should have been controlled by a system like our computer. Simply put, it has artificial intelligence, given the complexity of the entire facility, and it does not allow us to penetrate inside, where there may be even more complex equipment that is still emitting radiation. And, by the way, their underground location explains it - basic protection from radiation.

And here we are approaching another sensation. Having superimposed some spatial and other characteristics of the Crimean pyramids on a map of the geophysical radiation of the Earth, scientists suggested that similar objects exist in other parts of the planet. Three countries were calculated - England, Mauritania and Australia - and even approximate coordinates. Messages were sent there via the Internet. And a few days ago, news was received that a corresponding radiation source, matching the characteristics of the Crimean ones, had been found there. Excavations will begin very soon. We won’t say which country exactly yet. Scientists asked not to disclose until the second pyramid was excavated.

Excavations and studies of the pyramids are underway - can you imagine what this means? There was a planetary civilization in the world that we knew nothing about,” says Vitaly Gokh. - This is a revolution in general worldview. And what’s more, these creatures were able to control incredible powers. I assume that these pyramids could be used to obtain free energy, for example from a vacuum. There is a theory that pure vacuum is a form of energy. Maybe they used the pyramids to fight earthquakes and volcanoes, or maybe they controlled the weather and controlled the environment on a global scale. Who knows? But the most important thing is undeniable: humanity is on the verge of a new breakthrough in development - the key to the knowledge of a civilization incredible in its intellectual power, which, by the way, lived in complete harmony with nature, has fallen into our hands. The very principles of pyramid construction speak about this. That is, these are people from that golden age, about which every people on Earth has legends...

To date, the number of pyramids - man-made generators of harmony, discovered on the Crimean Peninsula, has already reached 37. GPS: 44°29’55”N 33°38’52”E

What is the secret of the vitality of the myth about the Sevastopol pyramids and where on the peninsula to look for real megalithic structures of antiquity

For the past 15 years, intrigue has persisted around the so-called Sevastopol pyramids. In the media you can still find notes and stories about the progress of excavations of a mysterious object in the Kamysovo Highway area in Sevastopol. But dispelling the myth about the existence of underground pyramids turned out to be much more difficult than popularizing them...

A hole in the ground instead of a pyramid

The topic of the underground Sevastopol pyramids is actively discussed, first of all, by newspapers and television channels, which base their ratings on all sorts of sensations in the field of paranormal phenomena, secrets and mysteries. Those who have been on excursions to the Sevastopol pyramids are divided into two camps: some claim that they saw a certain entrance inside the ancient man-made structure, others threaten to sue the organizers of these excursions for deception, calling them ordinary swindlers. The clarity was brought by the enthusiasts who financed the excavations. Now in place of the Sevastopol pyramids there is only a huge empty foundation pit. Surprisingly, the work of the excavator did not undermine their reputation at all. What is the secret of the persistence of this myth?

Firstly, the authority of the discoverer. The sensational discovery was announced by none other than retired naval officer Vitaly Gokh. Indeed, in the early 90s, he designed special instruments and patented his own method for studying the earth’s interior - the method of geohydrodiagnostics. With its help, he successfully began to discover underground sources of water. So much so that he even received an order from the administration of Sevastopol to discover powerful natural sources for the implementation of a new water supply program for the city.

Secondly, Vitaly Gokh received a certificate of scientific discovery... However, in an organization that has nothing to do with archaeological monuments - the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences. But does the common man know? The main thing is that there is an official document!

Immediately, not only the yellow press, but also serious television channels became interested in the discovery, which fell on fertile soil during the free morals of the mid-nineties. True, there wasn’t much to photograph then - just a deep 10-meter pit. In other words, a hole in the ground...

Thanks to the excitement, sponsors were found who financed the excavations. An excavator dug a huge pit at the site of the supposed find, but nothing was ever found. The discoverers were not going to give up. A solution was found: since esotericists confirmed the presence of a bioenergetic anomaly in this place, the pyramids were dubbed energetic, and therefore invisible. It was stated that they were able to cure all diseases, as well as endow people with all kinds of talents. Esotericists, magicians, informals, ufologists flocked to the Sevastopol bypass...

Bioenergy anomalies

But how did it happen that the pyramids were not found? Did Vitaly Gokh and his associates deliberately create this myth so that a new profitable excursion would appear on the embankment in Sevastopol?

Most likely, there was no intent. It’s just that Vitaly Gokh, using his method of geohydrodiagnostics, discovered faults in the earth’s crust, moreover, of a unique cruciform shape, which were mapped even under the USSR after appropriate geological research.

“It is likely that the plane that was opened is a seam of a tectonic disturbance,” explained Sergei Pivovarov, a senior researcher at the Crimean Institute of Mineral Resources. - He should be there. The rock slides over the rock and fairly straight planes are created.”

So a huge empty pit remained in the place of the former sensation. But sensation hunters refuse to acknowledge the absence of pyramids. “There are pyramids! - they don’t let up. “You just don’t see them!”

“The same thing happened to our Sevastopol pyramids as with Andersen’s naked king,” smiles the dean of the history department of KFU. Vernadsky, candidate of historical sciences Alexander Herzen. — Many people go there and are convinced that there is nothing there, there is a certain hole in the ground where, as they say, paramagnetic forces, negative fields, and so on act. In general, these are all the tricks of farcical swindlers.”

Polygonal giants in Kerch

It is curious that the pyramids in Crimea were searched for back in the 20s of the last century by employees of the neuroenergetics laboratory of the scientific and technical department of the Economic Council on the orders of the chairman of the emergency commission, Felix Dzerzhinsky. But it is unknown how the expedition ended, because all participants were repressed, and all their reports were confiscated.

Nevertheless, today we can confidently say that real pyramids in Crimea really exist and they are quite tangible. After all, what is a pyramid? In the classical understanding of historians, these are the burial places of kings, and in the understanding of adherents of alternative history, these are certain technological structures. Both of these imply the presence of a certain chamber with or without a sarcophagus, a dromos made of stone blocks, an earthen or rubble embankment and a stone lining on top of the mound. All pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Cambodia and other countries meet these criteria. In Crimea, all burials, in particular, of the Bosporan kings, are usually called mounds. That is, a crypt under a thick earthen embankment. Although some of the Crimean mounds (for example, Golden and Black) have stone lining. True, only separate parts remained from them, but they are there, and they can be seen and touched.

The French traveler Charles Gilbert Romm, who visited Crimea at the end of the 18th century, saw the Golden Mound as a huge hill, polygonally lined with stones. The building had already lost its top, but the whole structure must have resembled the shell of a giant turtle. There is evidence that there were several similar megalithic buildings here before. What remains of the Golden Mound is located at the entrance to Kerch from Feodosia. The mound began to be intensively destroyed at the end of the 19th century, when local authorities ordered the population to disassemble it for building materials. And in 1831, the head of the Kerch garrison, General Rosenberg, decided to blow up the Golden Mound in the hope of finding treasure inside, but the explosion, in addition to severely disfiguring the object, did not bring the expected results.

The original masonry remains fragmentary today. One surviving fragment reaches five meters in height and consists of stones weighing from one and a half to two and a half tons.

According to official archaeological data, the famous Royal Mound also had a pyramidal stone lining. Only it was not preserved due to the mentality of the local residents, who stole it to build their own houses, and its convenient location for this.

Why are these objects little known to a wide range of people and not as popular as the mythical Sevastopol pyramids? This is probably why the Black Mound in the village of Oktyabrskoye, Leninsky district of Crimea, is not only being actively destroyed by grave diggers, but is also being used as a giant garbage dump...

More details about this can be found on the website “Archeology-knowledge.rf”, as well as in the “Conspiracy Theory” programs on the ITV channel.

More details about this can be found on the website “Archeology-znania.rf”, as well as in the “Conspiracy Theory” programs on the ITV channel.

Photo archive "KT"
The material was published in the Crimean Telegraph newspaper No. 369 dated March 4, 2016