What you need to know when renting an apartment. What do you need to know when renting an apartment? Apartment in a resort in the off-season

"to understand how to rent an apartment in Moscow cheaply and safely.

Where to look for an apartment and how much
She is standing

Currently, renting a one-room economy class apartment in Moscow costs 28–30 thousand rubles per month. For that kind of money, housing is offered with standard renovation and all the necessary furniture. The most affordable apartments in the south and southeast of Moscow. You can rent a one-room apartment there for an average of 28 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment for 38 thousand rubles. The cost in the eastern district is slightly higher: 29 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment, 40 thousand rubles for a two-room apartment. The low rental rate is mainly due to poor environmental conditions. Nevertheless, their infrastructure is developed and there is everything necessary for living.

In the northeast, a one-room apartment costs an average of 32 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment costs 40 thousand rubles. In the north-west: 33 thousand rubles and 43 thousand rubles, respectively. In the north the figures are the same.

The most expensive districts are Southwestern, Western and Central. In the first two, the average rental price for one-room apartments is 34 thousand rubles, two-room apartments - 45 thousand rubles. In the most expensive, Central, district, a one-room economy class apartment is rented for an average of 37 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment - for 48 thousand rubles.

When to look for an apartment

Traditionally, the hot season begins at the end of summer and autumn, at which time demand grows due to those who enter universities and come to Moscow to work. As a result, cheap offers are washed out, which leads to higher rates. But this year the situation is conducive to bargaining. There are now a considerable number of competitive offers on the market, and owners are ready to make concessions. Some tenants decide to look for a new apartment because similar offers have appeared, but at a better price. This situation is especially noticeable in the expensive segment, where high demands are placed on housing.

The most suitable time to look for housing is spring and summer until mid-July. During this period, there is a lull in the rental market, so owners often give up the price by up to 2-3 thousand rubles, and sometimes the cost can be reduced by up to 15%.

But in any season there are offers from owners who, due to the urgency of the transaction, are ready to concede the cost of the rental rate (for example, if you need to go abroad and rent out housing in a short time).

How to check the owner

To avoid scammers, tenants need to ask for title documents for the apartment. You need to make sure that the person renting out the property has the right to do so. It is also worth requesting receipts for payment for the apartment and checking how many registered persons are indicated there. If the owner claims that he lives alone, but the receipt indicates the opposite, you should be wary.

Before moving into an apartment, you need to check everything: furniture, appliances and plumbing. If the owner has thrown a blanket over the sofa, take the time to check the upholstery. It happens that some imperfections are covered with a blanket.

What to write in the contract

The lease agreement must specify the property being leased. It is better to indicate the apartment address in full. In addition, you need to record key issues: the rental period (accommodation), the amount and procedure for payment, the frequency of payment revisions, at whose expense the repairs will be carried out, as well as the possibility of keeping pets.

It is quite possible to download the contract on the Internet and do without the help of a realtor. But to choose a normal sample, you need to follow the rules.

It is advisable to watch primarily specialized legal resources.

Not bad to rate relevance of the document. If it mentions, for example, the Civil Code of the RSFSR, it’s worth thinking about.

Skim through the text. Just because it's too "legalistic" (long sentences with too much technical terminology) doesn't mean it's right for you. It is better to use a sample that can be understood.

With some legal skill, it is possible to prove the existence of an oral lease agreement. In support of this, we can refer to the behavior of the parties: if one gave the other the same amount every month on the 5th (and, of course, can prove this), then the court may well agree that this is not a mere coincidence. But resolving issues through the courts in such a situation is the path of persistent and passionate people. At the same time, we should not forget that in the situation under consideration in court it will not be possible to refer to witness testimony - only to written and other evidence.

Who does the repairs

Typically, the costs of routine repairs (replacing a light bulb, painting a wall after children's drawing exercises) are borne by the tenant. You can only demand compensation for such repairs if this is expressly stated in the contract.

By default, major repairs must be done by the owner of the apartment. If the tenant had to do it, he may demand compensation for expenses. But it is advisable that this be stated in the contract.

If some equipment breaks down, then you need to look at whether the tenant is at fault for what happened. If you can prove that the chair fell apart because of termites, and not because your sumo wrestler friend sat in it, you will not have to pay anything to the owner.

If you choose an apartment yourself

When searching for an apartment through a specialized classifieds website or groups on social networks, you run the risk of encountering scammers. To avoid falling for their tricks, you need to pay attention to several important points.

1. Average cost of renting an apartment according to your criteria

Ads that are too “sweet” are often fake. Spacious with modern renovation in the very center of the city, a minute’s walk from the metro and for pennies? A very dubious proposal.

2. Please transfer the prepayment to the card

This point often follows from the previous one. You call an ad you like, they tell you that there are so many people interested, and then they ask you to transfer at least a few thousand so that the apartment remains yours. Don't be fooled by this: you just talked to a scammer.

Never transfer money to strangers as a deposit without a personal meeting.

3. Authenticity of photographs of the apartment

To ensure the accuracy of the information from the ad, check the photographs of the apartment for authenticity. This can be done, for example, through Google image search.

If the same apartment is posted on several housing rental sites, it’s not a big deal. It’s another matter when photographs circulate on the Internet, and the description, address of the apartment and contact person change radically from time to time.

4. Lack of photographs of the apartment

Ads without photos look at least strange. In most cases, this means that there is something wrong with the apartment or that such living space does not exist at all.

5. Ad frequency

It happens that the same advertisement for renting an apartment appears and disappears with enviable frequency. Two weeks ago the apartment was rented out, then it was rented, and a month later it is still up and running again. And so on in a circle.

Of course, the problem may not be with the owner, but with the tenants. Well, a person is unlucky when it comes to tenants, and that’s all. However, the frequently flashing advertisements are alarming.

6. Contact person

Who deals with the issue of apartments for rent? The owner himself or the realtor? If you don't want to pay a commission equal to half or even the entire monthly payment, then realtor ads are not for you.

If you contact a realtor

Realtors can make your life easier and help you find your dream apartment. Or they can fray your nerves, empty your wallet, or waste your time. This is when you should be wary.

1. The realtor cannot name the company where he is currently an employee or where he worked before

If a realtor claims to be on staff of an agency, you can contact the company directly and clarify this.

If the realtor is a private entrepreneur, in any case he should tell you at least a few companies in which he worked before. If you have difficulty with this, you may have a scammer in front of you.

2. The realtor is not interested in who will live in the apartment and in what composition

Almost every owner has at least an approximate idea of ​​who he sees as a tenant, and notifies the realtor about this. If during a conversation you are not asked about the number of residents, the presence of animals and permanent work, this is a warning sign.

3. The realtor is not an expert in his field.

It’s hard to imagine that a realtor doesn’t know how to write a receipt for money or fill out a rental agreement. And if he still doesn’t know, then this is not a realtor.

4. You are asked to pay a commission before concluding a contract

The realtor receives a commission only after the transaction is concluded. If you are required to pay in advance, do not give in and do not transfer funds.

5. The realtor deals with only one apartment

Typically, a realtor has several properties in the works. It is suspicious when a specialist devotes all his time to only one apartment. Try typing the phone number into the search bar of your browser and see how many ads you get.

6. The realtor introduces himself as an employee of a news agency

You are offered to come to the office, sign an agreement and gain access to the database of owners after paying a commission.

The realtor will not go with you to inspect the apartment and meet with the owner, and even if you can get through to anyone from the received database, after a preliminary agreement on the meeting, the landlord will cancel everything at the last moment.

In this case, it will not be possible to return the money, because you signed an agreement on the provision of information services. To achieve justice, you can contact lawyers and try to file an application in court. However, no one guarantees you a successful outcome. Therefore, carefully study all the documents on which you sign.

Stage 2. First contact with the owner

You have chosen the ideal option, in your opinion, and to celebrate, call to arrange a meeting. First, make sure you are actually talking to the owner and not a realtor or anyone else. Even if the ad indicated that the apartment was for direct rent.

Ask your landlord a few questions. For example, where the windows of the apartment face or what floor it is on.

If a person hesitates, perhaps he is trying to deceive you. The owner will answer such questions without delay.

If you feel that everything is in order, go through the information provided in the ad: check the cost, the need for a deposit and the last month's payment. Find out how long the apartment is being rented out, and whether it really is a 10-minute walk to the metro, not 30. In general, talk through all the nuances that are important to you.

Stage 3. Inspection of housing

  1. Evaluate the entrance. Its condition can say a lot about the residents of the house - your potential neighbors.
  2. Try visiting your neighbors and asking who lived in the apartment before you. It is advisable to do this together with the owner: if the residents of neighboring apartments are not new residents, then they will recognize your landlord, and you will once again be convinced that he is the owner.
  3. Carefully inspect the bathroom, especially the plumbing. If a faucet is leaking, it is worth pointing this out to the owner immediately.
  4. Check the condition of the furniture and assess its wear.
  5. Pay attention to the location of the outlets. You may need to rearrange your furniture.
  6. If you have pets, check to see if the previous residents had a cat or dog.
  7. Take the time to turn on all the appliances and appliances you plan to use.
  8. Check all switches in the apartment.
  9. Ask about internet availability.
  10. Check the locks so you don't have to wait outside the door until they let you in. If there are several locks, but you are given the key to only one, find out the reason. The owner may say that the lock has been broken for a long time and has not been used. You should insist on replacement or repair and ask for a complete set of keys.
  11. Make sure the seals on the meters are intact.
  12. Check the condition of your balcony doors and windows if you don’t want to freeze in winter.
  13. Evaluate throughout the apartment.

If none of the above in the apartment bothers you, you can proceed to drawing up an agreement.

Stage 4. Conclusion of an agreement

What owner documents need to be checked?

If the apartment has one owner

When concluding a rental agreement, ask the owner to show you:

  • passport;
  • certificate of ownership or extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

You need to make sure that the apartment belongs to the person who introduced himself as the owner of the apartment.

One of the most common types of fraud on the market is renting out someone else's apartment. Housing can be rented out by a certain “friend” of the owner of the apartment, who settled in it for just a couple of days.

Arthur Ustimov, founder and general director of the housing rental management service “Arendatika”

If you haven’t checked your property documents, you risk not only losing money, but also being left on the street.

If there are several owners

In addition to your passport and certificate of ownership, you need to obtain written consent to rent out the apartment from all owners, as well as from those registered in the apartment.

If a distant relative is registered in the apartment, he can come to your rented home and stay there. In this case, the lease agreement will be valid, but no one can prohibit the person registered in the apartment from living there.

If the apartment is owned by spouses

First you need to figure out whether the apartment is in joint or shared ownership.

Ivashchenko Srbui Sargisovna, leading lawyer of the European Legal Service

To be on the safe side, you can find out about the existence of a marriage contract and read its terms. If the apartment belongs to one of the spouses, then the consent of the second is not required. If it is jointly owned, it will be necessary to obtain the consent of each owner.

What to pay attention to when drawing up a contract

A rental agreement is a document that will help you avoid unnecessary conflicts, so it is very important to draw it up responsibly. Life hacker has already told how, so we will focus only on the most important points.

Mandatory data

  • The subject of the agreement is an apartment. You must provide the full address, area and number of rooms.
  • The parties to the agreement are the owner of the property (or his representative with a notarized power of attorney) and the tenant.
  • Passport details and information about the place of registration - both the owner of the apartment and the tenant.

Duration of the contract and payment procedure

Indicate the duration of the contract and the period during which you are obliged to pay the rent. Please note the sanctions for violating the payment procedure. For example, you may have a week's period to pay off the debt, after which the owner has full rights to take you out of the apartment.

The fact of payment must be recorded: when paying in cash, ask for a receipt from the owner, and when transferring to a card, ask for a bank statement.

The purpose of payment must contain a link to your agreement. For example: payment under rental agreement No. 1 dated January 1, 2018 for June 2018.

In addition, the contract must indicate the amount that you transferred to the owner upon check-in. This may include payment for the first and last month of residence, as well as a security deposit - a guarantee that if the tenant causes damage to the property, the apartment owner will receive financial compensation.

The owner may retain the entire amount of the security deposit or part of it, depending on the extent of the damage caused. If, upon inspection of the apartment, everything is in order, the security deposit will be returned in full to the tenant. A deposit amount that is comfortable for each party is agreed upon at the conclusion of the contract.

Eviction procedure

Particular attention should be paid to the rules for eviction from an apartment. They should be comfortable for each side.

Sometimes contracts indicate that the tenant is given only a couple of days to move out and find a new apartment. And some leases even provide for penalties if the tenant stays for less than a certain period of time.

Arthur Ustimov, founder and general director of the housing rental management service “Arendatika”

Frequency of owner visits

Frequent unexpected visits from the owner bring little joy. However, you cannot prohibit him from visiting your own apartment. Discuss the frequency of visits that is comfortable for both of you, specify how much time the owner should notify you, and record the agreements in a document.

Communication channels

The contract must indicate the email addresses or telephone numbers of both parties, depending on the chosen communication channel. It’s better to do both, just to be sure.

Do not delete correspondence with the landlord so that you can refer to her in case of disagreement.

Inventory of valuables and meter readings

The act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment, which is attached to the contract, must include an inventory of valuables. If you paid a security deposit upon check-in, there is a risk of not getting it back. You must check the entire apartment. And the more carefully, the better. You already know what points to focus on when inspecting an apartment.

The safest thing to do would be to take photographs of all detected defects so that they are not attributed to you when you leave. And photographs can be printed and attached to the act.

It is mandatory that the act must record the readings of individual water and electricity meters at the time of check-in.

Repairs and planned changes in the apartment

Make a list of the changes you plan to make to the property, as well as the equipment or furniture you plan to purchase. Agree on the maximum amount and decide how payment will be made: only by the owner, by you, or 50/50.

It is recommended to stipulate conditions for inseparable and separable improvements in the contract in advance or draw up an additional agreement later. In this case, it is advisable to make a clause in the contract that things are returned to the owner, taking into account natural wear and tear.

Arthur Ustimov, founder and general director of the housing rental management service “Arendatika”

Indicate in the contract who pays for breakdowns of household appliances. Unfortunately, during the initial inspection you will not be able to be 100% sure of the absolute serviceability of the devices, and it can be difficult to prove that the breakdown occurred due to natural wear and tear and not due to improper operation.

If you notice that the device is on its last legs, point this out to the owner and inspect it together, and then record the agreements in a document. Otherwise, if a breakdown does occur, you may need the expertise of a professional to prove that you were not responsible for the malfunction.

Living in the apartment

Don’t forget to indicate in the contract those who will live in the apartment with you. And also let me know if you have . You should not lie about such things: with a high probability you will be caught in a lie, and the consequences will be very sad.

In what cases should you refuse to rent?

The most alarming signal is the refusal to provide ownership documents. There is a high probability that not everything is in order with the apartment.

An apartment whose owner is too worried about his property can also become problematic. Such owners may come to you too often to check the safety of their property, which, naturally, will cause you discomfort.

Arthur Ustimov, founder and general director of the housing rental management service “Arendatika”

It is worth paying attention to the behavior of the owner. Excessive nervousness is alarming, as is unreasonable haste when concluding a contract. If you are asked to sign documents as quickly as possible, and are not allowed to check the serviceability of household appliances and record defects, then this is another bell.

Take your time, carefully study the contract, ask questions and discuss problematic issues. Check everything that is necessary. It is important for you that it is comfortable to live in the apartment, and that all difficulties are kept to a minimum. The owner wants his living space to remain in proper condition, and also does not want to be a participant in regular construction. You evaluate each other - that's normal. And in this case, it is correct to allow enough time for the process of paperwork and inspection of the apartment.

Are you planning to rent your first apartment? Congratulations on your first step towards independent living! Renting an apartment is not as simple as it may seem. When concluding a contract with your landlord, there are many important details to consider so that you can enjoy life in your new home calmly and without unnecessary hassle and financial losses.

Our advice will also be useful to those who have already gotten into trouble when renting an apartment and would like to avoid troubles in the future.

Features of the lease agreement

Tenants should especially note the following points in the agreement:

term of the contract;

methods, amount and terms of payment;

conditions for payment of utility bills, electricity and telephone conversations;

an inventory of the property located in the apartment and its condition;

natural wear and tear of the interior and objects in the apartment.

When there is only one owner of a residential property, this is quite convenient; it is he who will sign the lease agreement, and this procedure can also be performed by his authorized representative (in this case, his powers are certified by a notary). The situation becomes more complicated if there are several owners - such an apartment can be rented out only when everyone who has the right to a share of the property agrees to it, so it is simply impossible to rent out a residential premises without the consent of other owners. Ideally, the agreement should be certified by the signature of each owner or his official representative (let’s say that one of the owners is a minor child, in which case a parent will act on his behalf). But if one of them cannot be personally present at the signing of the contract, the one who is engaged in renting out the apartment can take from him a notarized power of attorney in his name. He can also present the consent of all other owners, which also needs to be notarized.

What to do if the landlord cannot provide all the necessary documents? In this situation, it is best to refuse to deal with him and look for another apartment. Keep in mind: an agreement that does not comply with the law may be declared invalid, and this will cause problems for the tenant.

And one more thing that we often forget: do not forget to think through your actions in advance, immediately decide what will be specified in the contract, and before you sign, be sure to read what you are signing.

Check the owner and documents for the apartment

The most important thing that inexperienced renters often forget is checking the landlord. Ask the owner to show you the passport; it is better to let it be the original and not a photocopy. Check every page; any mark not required by law will invalidate the passport.

Check the title deed. This is the main document that confirms ownership of real estate. Until 2000, a certificate of home ownership was issued, and from October 1, 2013, instead of a certificate of state registration of rights, an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights (USRE) may be issued.

Don't forget about title documents and other little things

Along with the certificate of registration of ownership and an extract from the Unified State Register, ask the seller to show the title documents for the apartment, that is, the documents by which the seller acquired ownership of the apartment.

There are several types of such documents: certificate of ownership, gift agreement, purchase and sale agreement, certificate of inheritance, certificate of privatization. If the apartment belongs to a housing construction cooperative (HBC), ask the seller for a certificate of the paid share.

Do not confuse these documents with various certificates of legal registration, of inclusion in the register of owners, issued by the BTI, local property management committees and property funds, and other local government bodies. They cannot replace a certificate of ownership and an extract from the Unified State Register.

Be sure to check all documents provided to you for corrections, including the date and registration number. Stamps and signatures must be legible.

In addition to the obvious things (the duration of the contract, the amount of rent, etc.), it makes sense to indicate, for example, the time at which the landlord can visit the apartment, as well as within what period he must notify the tenant about this. In addition, it is always useful, along with the contract, to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of property indicating the defects, so that the landlord does not make you responsible for a broken TV, fallen-off doors on an old wall, or dented TV that were damaged long before you arrived in this apartment.

Utilities and pets

If, according to the contract, you pay for utilities, be sure to create a separate folder for all checks and receipts - it may come in handy in the event of a conflict. It is highly not recommended to have a pet without the consent of the landlord; some landlords react very negatively to cats and, even more so, to dogs in their living space. In some cases, this may even be a separate clause of the contract, but, in principle, it is possible to agree quite normally in words if you approach the issue correctly.

Receipt for receipt of payment

In addition, experts recommend that when paying rent, take a receipt from the owner of the apartment for receipt of money, so that if a conflict situation arises, you can present evidence that there were no violations on your part and you were not left in debt. The receipt must indicate the period for which the payment is made, as well as the amount that you transferred to the tenant. This document must be signed not only by you, but also by the owner of the rented apartment.

Repair and damage to property

There is such a thing as natural wear and tear of an apartment. You are not amorphous creatures moving through the air. If someone lives in an apartment, inevitable processes of obsolescence, wear and tear, erasure, etc. occur. However, rent is income with inherent risks and costs. Therefore, you need to pay for damaged property, but not for normal wear and tear, unless this is specifically stated in the contract.

Don’t be embarrassed and discuss such points separately. In most cases, you don’t have to include them in the contract. Do this at least so that later you don’t have to make major repairs or reimburse the cost of those things that were broken or broken before moving in. As we have already mentioned, it is best to draw up an acceptance certificate that describes the apartment and its condition, and specifically indicate valuable items and equipment in order to avoid any possible misunderstandings in this regard.

Third party accommodation

Sometimes it happens that the landlord has an extremely negative attitude towards the fact that other people suddenly appear in the rented living space, even if it is a friend who suddenly arrived on a business trip or a girl/boyfriend he really likes. On the other hand, it also happens that the apartment owner himself may suddenly, in the form of an ultimatum, demand that the tenant agree to tolerate some relative or friend of the apartment owner for a night or two. It is clear that not everyone will like such attacks, so just in case this can also be written down in the contract in advance.

Landlord visits

The contract must necessarily discuss the issue of possible visits. This will help resolve issues with verification. The usual practice is this: the landlord visits the apartment once a month, coming to collect the rent, having notified the tenant in advance by telephone about his visit.

Some people view a rented apartment as a means of making money, while others are too anxious and fearful and therefore decide that they have the right to visit it at any time and control the life of the tenant. According to the law, the person hiring has every right to demand that the owner of the apartment not come without warning, and especially when there is no one in the apartment.

Let's say you would like the landlord to visit the apartment no more than once a month, and he must notify you of this by phone and no later than three days before the date of the visit. Indicate this in the contract, and if the owner of the living space unexpectedly comes to you, you can remind him that there is a corresponding clause in the contract, and that he is obliged to fulfill it.

How to terminate a contract

Sooner or later you will have to move out of your rented apartment. How to terminate a contract correctly? The simplest option is to move out of the housing upon expiration of its validity period, when the tenant is obliged to vacate the living space he occupies by the time specified in the document.

If we are talking about early termination, then options are possible. For example, if the initiator of early termination is the owner, then you can indicate in the contract that in these circumstances he must at least partially reimburse the tenant for the amount he spent on finding housing.

If money was paid in advance, the landlord will have to return it to the tenant. If the tenant himself wishes to terminate the contract early, then the deposit, of course, will remain with the owner of the residential premises.

In the modern world, quick decision-making is an important factor, but more significant is the correctness and timeliness of actions aimed at a positive result in any matter. So the choice of housing in which to spend time sleeping, preparing for important negotiations during a business trip (business trip) cannot be considered frivolous or secondary.

Daily rate apartments

Many people prefer hotels for their comfort and service, which often does not match the advertising in the brochure. But in addition to hotel rooms, the real estate market is widely represented by such a category as renting apartments by the day and even hourly. What is short-term rental housing? This is practically the same hotel room, but with additional household appliances, offering a little more items to the guest's comfortable stay. Nowadays it is almost impossible to find an apartment without a refrigerator, a TV, a full bathroom with a toilet, a kitchen with a microwave oven, the necessary set of furniture and the ability to connect to the Internet. Additionally, they can offer a maid service and additional equipment, such as a washing machine, iron, hair dryer, etc. All these factors combined are fueling interest in renting apartments instead of hotel rooms.

Apartment for holiday

Every year, each of us has significant dates, whether or not they coincide with other people’s holidays. The red days in the calendar are intended for relaxation and fun; you want to spend them away from your native walls. Previously, we considered daily rental of apartments, and it will help us out now. You can also use the services of hotels, but the administration of these places is unlikely to allow a large group to stay in one room. Therefore, daily apartments are an ideal solution in terms of quality and price.

How to rent an apartment for a holiday or significant event in any city? If this is just your celebration, and it does not coincide with the national one, there should not be any special problems when finding a venue. It is really difficult to find a free and affordable apartment for large, and most importantly, long holidays, such as New Year. When the excitement in this market is simply huge, the main thing is how much it costs to rent an apartment on such days of fun. Everyday prices do not apply, and holiday prices do not have clear boundaries, it all depends on the number of days and people. For example, for a one-room apartment with accommodation for 1-4 people they can charge from $50 to $150 per day, and for a two-room apartment - from $100 and above. The main reasons for refusal to rent an apartment may be the short-term nature of the contract or the reluctance of the owners to accommodate many young people, who carry with them the risks of causing damage to property. But if you are full of determination and ideas and do not have a large reserve of financial resources, an apartment rented for daily rent will help you organize the most romantic evening with your beloved or the best party dedicated to a grand event.

Holiday apartment, or How not to ruin your mood

What a long-awaited time vacation is for any person. Therefore, the important question is how it will take place and where. We will not directly touch upon the choice of location, but we will dwell in detail on how to rent an apartment without intermediaries and whether it is worth doing. At the entrance to any resort town in our vast Motherland, you can meet lovely women and kind men with rather simple signs offering accommodation by the sea. Firstly, it is rare that any of these people are the owner of the rental apartment. Secondly, their offer is probably not the most tempting financially, and the location of the apartments themselves most often leaves much to be desired. Therefore, if you are aiming to live by the sea at an adequate price, you need to spend time searching directly in the coastal zone. But this is not the best option for how to rent an apartment correctly, so here are a couple of tips to help holidaymakers:

  1. Progress is advancing at a tremendous pace across the planet, and the private sector of resort towns is no exception. In order not to waste precious time and not wander from house to house with huge suitcases under the scorching sun after a long trip, use the search for accommodation on the Internet.
  2. View and record data from as many possible addresses as possible.
  3. Contact the landlord by telephone.
  4. Book your dates of stay and don’t be afraid to make an advance payment using trusted sites.

If you follow these instructions, your vacation will begin immediately upon arrival with guaranteed check-in and protected consumer rights.

Apartment in a resort in the off-season

Compared to renting an apartment during the season, renting outside of this period is different. In this case, the number of offers is much smaller, and the demand for such real estate is also small. Renting apartments is difficult at this time, and this is due to several factors:

  • Firstly, seasonal housing is often not ready to receive guests after its end, due to the inability to provide adequate comfort during their stay.
  • Secondly, during the season, many residents of resort towns rent out their own housing, as this is the main type of income, and after the peak period they move back.
  • Thirdly, apartments in non-resort months can be more expensive than a holiday in a sanatorium or hotel complex.

Long term housing

Today's reality forces many to leave their homes or their parents' home. Someone moves due to a change of job, someone goes to study in another city - there are many reasons for moving. When looking for long-term housing, you need to take a detailed approach to inspecting the apartment, documents and price. It is not permissible to seek refuge for a long period of time with a suitcase in hand, as fatigue and the desire to complete the process as quickly as possible can cause harm. First, you need to acquire temporary housing (rent a hotel room or rent an apartment), and only then look for long-term real estate. Renting is a special area of ​​activity where an apartment rental agency can be your best assistant or sworn enemy. For the services of such companies you will have to pay from 50% to 100% of the monthly rent. But sometimes it’s better to spend a little more time and find the right housing yourself, saving on the realtor’s interest.

7 ways to help you choose a rented apartment

To successfully select a habitat for any period of time, you need to know only a few ways to determine how well it matches the description and price.

  1. Before choosing an apartment, it is advisable to decide on the most suitable areas for rental, visit and inspect them first.
  2. Under no circumstances should you pay in advance for housing without a signed rental agreement.
  3. When searching, always have two copies of the standard apartment rental agreement with you, so as not to miss the option you like.
  4. Insistently ask to see documents for ownership of the living space and identification of the owner, preferably several types, such as a passport and driver's license.
  5. Checking all household appliances and mechanisms in the apartment in the presence of the owners, at the same time checking their orientation in their own home, is not difficult for true owners.
  6. Check all subscription books for payment of utilities.
  7. The most important thing is, if possible, to communicate with your neighbors, preferably pensioners near your home. They know everything about the residents, no doubt about it.

5 ways to improve your rented apartment

When entering a rented apartment, the tenant must realize that this is not his property, but only temporary housing, and therefore he cannot change the interior, change the furniture, or even hang a picture without the consent of the owners. But there are a few tricks that will help make the rooms more comfortable and a little “your own.”

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is the hallway and bathroom; to improve their appearance, you can use inexpensive rugs and self-adhesive tile applications.
  2. The application procedure can be repeated in the kitchen and old polished furniture.
  3. The interior takes on a completely fresh look with new curtains and curtains, which can then roam with the owner.
  4. Complete or partial rearrangement of living rooms will also give the apartment a new effect.
  5. The pleasant smell of roasted coffee or aromatic pastries will completely transform a rented apartment into a home.

Apartment where they earn money

Increasingly, many private entrepreneurs and people in creative professions are refusing to rent office space. Their price is an order of magnitude higher than an ordinary residential apartment, and the need for a centralized office is often not justified. For example, an online business has its own platform for work, there is no need for an office, but it is impossible to conduct business at home. It is also better to organize a studio for photo shoots in an apartment, make the decorations removable and, saving on rent, increase your profits. Even a realtor won’t tell you how to rent an apartment for running a business, but there is no doubt that it is more profitable than renting premises from a non-residential property.

Legal protection of the tenant

The tenant can only be protected by himself and his caution. When looking for a place to live, you should think about how to rent an apartment. To do this, there is no need to consult a lawyer. You can start by studying information about renting housing and reviewing the apartment rental agreement. A sample can be easily found today. It will only be enough to edit it and enter the necessary private data. By following the recommendations and advice of people facing the same problem, you can easily rent an apartment without intermediaries.

Realtor support or bandwagon

Real estate companies are divided into two types: information agencies and rental ones. The first ones provide only a list of possible landlords; everything else needs to be dealt with by the housing applicant. Such companies are often just one-day companies and make their profit through fraud. The latter, on the contrary, are interested in the result, but their commission is higher. The main feature of these organizations is the provision of turnkey services. That is, not only the provision of apartments for inspection, but also legal support that helps to conclude an apartment rental agreement, the form of which has stood the test of time.

Responsibilities of the owner of a rented apartment

For the most part, the apartment lease agreement is standard, but it can and should be slightly changed and supplemented, especially in terms of the obligations of the parties and the inventory of movable property located in the rented premises. The tenant's responsibilities are only to maintain cleanliness and timely payment, but the owner of the apartment is obliged to carry out routine and major repairs of housing and engineering systems, and if any units fail, replace them. These requirements must appear in the contract, but landlords try to exclude them by all means and persuasion. Therefore, be careful and do not fall for the tricks of scammers.